Vebatec Epoxi base resin for epoxy mortar - addition of quartz sand

By adding filler material, a high-strength epoxy resin mortar can be produced from Vebatec Epoxi base resin.


To create such an "epoxy mortar", up to 10 kg of filler (e.g. quartz sand, pebbles, etc.) can be added to one litre of Vebatec Epoxi base resin, as long as a still moist mass is created.


However, it is necessary to adjust the mixture individually, as the degree of saturation of resin and admixture depends on the grain size of the added fillers.


It is also important to pay attention to a balanced grading curve, so that it is guaranteed that as many voids as possible between larger grain sizes are filled by smaller grain sizes.


Fire-dried quartz sands, for example, are suitable aggregates.


Topsoil or other organic materials, on the other hand, are not suitable as aggregates.



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